This label is deeply rooted in the trading community. That's why all items on this site are not only available for purchase but also for trade. If you are interested in trading with us, feel free to send us a trade request via email.
Important Information:
1. Please be aware: We can not accept every request.
2. If you send us a trade request, include your latest trade list.
3. Private persons and persons we don't know yet will have to send their part of the trade first.
4. Package your trade items well!!!
For smaller trades, send everything that has a plastic case within it. For larger trades, it is acceptable to ship items without plastic cases. In this case, make sure to separate booklets, inlayer, and so on from the sound recordings, wrap them appropriately, and pack them into thick cardboard. Items with no plastic case, like digipaks, digisleeves, vinyl etc., should be wrapped in a protective sleeve and thick cardboard.
5. Rip off's and persons who send us bootlegs will be made public.